Patient Referral

What’s V-Day?

undefinedI wasn’t alive during the Victory days that ended World War II, but I heard the stories from my Grandparents and certainly have been moved by the old photographs. What the greatest generation gave to us through their bravery, hard work and determination shaped the world for generations to come — and perhaps for all time.

As some of the people from that generation approach the end of their journey here on Earth, we want to give back to them a victory of their own.

Crossroads Hospice is concentrating all of our efforts to promote the care for the patients EVEN MORE through volunteerism. Volunteers are extremely special individuals who not only better the end-of-life experience, but also possess a quality of character which I deeply admire.

A volunteer will come to us with only their heart and expect nothing in return. They are willing to give something to someone they don’t even know, with no chance to ever receive anything back for their good deed. They are not only willing to share their talents, but they give their most precious commodity: time.

At Crossroads, our V-Day is dedicated to these exceptional and extraordinary people. Our volunteers are dedicated, sympathetic individuals who find the victory in making our patients’ days better.

Being a volunteer doesn’t require special skills or a lot of time. We have developed a way for every person that wants to participate, as long as they have the passion and 45 minutes a week.

You might even want to volunteer. Ask yourself:

Do you like to read, or do you belong to a reading group?  

  •   Why not spend 45 minutes a week reading for a person who can no longer read for themselves?

Do you like to play cards?  

  •   Why not play a game of Gin with someone who may be alone?

Can you play an instrument or do you like certain types of music or artists?

  •   Why not spend 45 minutes a week practicing or playing music for someone who doesn’t get out anymore?

Are you a photographer or history buff?  

  •   How about sharing or discussing different topics with someone who may shed the light of experience upon your thoughts?

You may say, “I’m too young and I don’t know what to say.” That’s OK. You can still find common ground with our patients — they were young once, too. Your youth can also benefit our patients: you could set up a Facebook or Twitter account for someone so they can tell you what to say to the world or to their loved ones. Do you have 45 minutes a week to spare?

Our thought is this: we are looking for compassionate people to give 45 minutes a week, doing what they love to do or have an interest in, and sharing it with others. Everyone is special, everyone has something to give, and that certainly applies to our volunteers and patients.

I believe that the heart is a muscle and it only grows when it’s exercised. Why not get involved and see what may happen? While our patients can never pay you back, what you will find is that they will give you more than you ever thought possible.  The “V” in V-Day stands for volunteers, and that is what V-Day at Crossroads is all about.

Lastly, to our current volunteers, you need to know a few things:

  •   Everyday I wake up and I think about you and the incredible work you do and how much I appreciate you.
  •   You play a very important role for our patients, and because I rarely get to meet you or talk to you, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you.
  •   You represent the best of Crossroads and we couldn’t do what we do without you.

Perry Farmer, President of Crossroads Hospice



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