Patient Referral

Hospice patient gets "Gift of a Day" at Avon Cabela's store


AVON - 89-year-old Albert Janosik spent Wednesday living out a dream. He was honorary manager for the day at the Avon Cabela's.
Employees welcomed him with lots of gifts, including his own Cabela's uniform. And they had a question:
"Can we get a raise?" 
Albert paused, looked up, and said, "YES! I'll have you stand on a sheet of paper."
You see, Albert loves the outdoors and fishing, but he's in hospice. His health prevents him from going out anymore, but Crossroads Hospice and Cabela's stepped up with this "Gift of the Day."
Angie Mertz is Albert's daughter. She was always up for a trip outdoors with her father. "We'd call up my Dad and go fishing with him at least once a week. He helped teach my kids how to fish, too," she says. 
Albert is still teaching others about fishing,  Even discussing the fish in the aquarium with Cabela's employees, who were clearly touched by his presence. It's what a lifetime spent outdoors can do.
"It didn't matter if we caught anything or not. Just being out there, casting the rod, just enjoying the fishing," says Angie Mertz. "There's something about the water and just being there with my Dad. Just calming and very soothing."
Albert's favorite fish? "Favorite fish is a bluegill," he exclaimed. "Best tasting fish."
Great minds think alike.