Patient Referral

Patient/Family/Employee and Community Partner’s Rights and Grievances

Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care has developed and publicized a written statement of patient/family rights. This statement of patient/family rights shall include an affirmation of the patient/family rights which includes, but is not limited  to:

  • Services, within their availability or capability of being provided;
  • Participate in the planning of their own care;
  • Receive care regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, sexual preference or communicable diseases;
  • Considerate and respectful treatment and to have property treated with respect and for Crossroads staff shall enter no further into patient/family life and affairs than is required to meet the goals of care;
  • Selection of an interpreter when requested and as available;
  • The ability to revoke the hospice benefit without coercion form the hospice;
  • To be consulted about changes in treatment settings and information that facilitates the transfer of patient from one care setting to another and receive written explanation regard the denial of services;
  • Privacy, and confidentiality of medical information on his or her condition, including the right to give or withhold consent for treatment, referral, or transfer;
  • To request and receive an exact copy of one’s healthcare record;
  • Continuity of care, and information regarding what health services are available, and where and how they may be obtained;
  • Knowledge of rules and regulations applying to patient conduct;
  • Access to an established patient/family grievance procedure and the ability to exercise the right to voice grievances and to be protected from discrimination or reprisal for exercising these rights;

Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care will have in place a mechanism to insure that patient, family, employee and/or community partner’s grievances are given full and fair consideration to the highest level of appeal. Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care will insure a positive mechanism for disseminating information on patient rights and the grievance process. At the minimum, written explanations of the grievance process and patient rights will be included in the registration packets, posted within the Crossroads’ office(s), included in the orientation process for all new personnel and posted on this website. As our ongoing measures to promote excellence and ensure compliance and proper, ethical, conduct throughout our agency, we encourage the Crossroads community to report concerns, misconduct and/or known or potential violations of State, Federal and agency guidelines, to our Chief Compliance Officer through our compliance department using the following methods:

Via email or through our confidential Corporate Compliance Hotline at 844-325-4272. You may remain anonymous. Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care Whistleblower Policy strictly prohibits retaliation against someone for filing a report.