Patient Referral

How Hospice Keeps Patients Home for the Holidays

hospice home for the holidays

Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
'Cause no matter how far away you roam
When you pine for the sunshine of a friendly gaze
For the holidays you can't beat home sweet home!

We will all hear those magical words a lot this holiday season. Perry Como’s “Home for the Holidays” is a classic for good reason.

Every line evokes a longing for a traditional holiday at home with loved ones. This can be particularly meaningful when one of those loved ones is facing a serious illness. If a seriously-ill loved one has unmanaged symptoms, they could end up spending their holidays in a hospital bed. Hospice helps families control those symptoms so their loved one can spend the holidays in the comfort of their own bed at home, in a loved one’s home, or in an assisted living facility they’ve made their home.

Hospice at Home for the Holidays

No one wants to think about hospice when the holidays are approaching, but this is precisely when it should be considered. Because extended families spend more time together during the holidays, those who aren’t part of the day-to-day caregiving can often see declines in patients that otherwise sneak up on the person who is with this loved one every day. Hospice may very well be necessary or, if anything, considered.

Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to admit patients and provide care. This added layer of support can help families fulfill their loved one’s wish for one last holiday together at home.

Complex symptoms from cancer, heart disease, dementia, stroke, liver disease, kidney disease, or neurological disease can be managed at home by the Crossroads team of nurses and aides who provide medical and personal care to keep pain and other symptoms under control.

Sadly, illnesses don’t take a holiday. But neither does our team. They’re available at any time of day or night if a sudden decline requires extra support.

hospice holidays family support

Supporting Family over the Holidays

Stress is common over the holidays as the calendar fills up with shopping, end-of-year errands, and special events. Combine that with caring for a seriously-ill loved one, and things can get overwhelming fast.

Hospice care isn’t just for the patient. Crossroads works with family members to ensure they are feeling supported throughout the holidays as they cope with the stress and the emotion surrounding a final holiday with someone they love.

Chaplains and social workers speak with patients and families to address their emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs. They will work with families on their plan for the holiday, so they can make the most of it without adding additional stress.  

If needed, an extra aide visit or a volunteer visit can be added to help take the weight off the family’s shoulders.

Caring for a loved one facing a terminal illness can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly fulfilling. Crossroads is the partner that ensures a family has all the support they need to keep their loved one out of the hospital this holiday season. 

If you have a seriously ill loved one who may need extra support, please call us at 1-888-564-3405 to learn how Crossroads can help your family this holiday season. 


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Copyright © 2019 Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care. All rights reserved. 


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