Patient Referral

3 Things Everyone Should Know About Hospice Care

undefined1. Hospice is a philosophy of care

It treats the person, rather than the disease, and focuses on quality of life. It surrounds the patient and family with a team of professionals who not only address physical distress, but emotional and spiritual issues as well. Hospice careprovides all necessary medication and equipment. It also provides assistance with light housekeeping, errands, companionship and respite care to help caregivers recharge.


2. You decide where hospice care takes place

Nine out of 10 adults would prefer to be cared for at home rather than in a hospital or nursing home if diagnosed with a terminal illness. Hospice provides the option of being cared for at whatever physical place the patient calls home.

3. Open dialogue is key

You can help the person you care for, and yourself, by initiating a conversation about their wishes regarding end-of-life care. Although it is often difficult to speak honestly and openly about death and dying, it can be even more uncomfortable to have to make end-of-life decisions concerning a loved one without having had such a discussion.

Crossroads Hospice can answer any questions you may have about this type of care and how it can improve quality of life for you and your loved ones. In fact, astudy revealed that the mean survival for hospice patients can be 29 days longer than for non-hospice patients. In other words, patients who chose hospice carelived an average of one month longer than similar patients who did not choose hospice care.

Additionally, some hospices, such as Crossroads Hospice, take the concept of care a few steps further by offering programs like Life Journals, Veteran recognition, pet therapy, and Gift of a Day.

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