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Blog: Hospice & Palliative Care Insights - 2022

Tea And Toast Syndrome

Tea and Toast Syndrome: What is it, Symptoms, and How to Prevent

Tea and toast syndrome sounds quaint, but it is a real condition that can put seniors at risk for malnutrition. A person experiencing tea and toast syndrome will limit their diet due to a variety of reasons including a lack of desire to eat, inability to prepare proper meals, trouble chewing or swallowing, limited funds, or difficulty getting food into the house. It is especially common in those who live alone.
2022 Gift Of A Day Highlights

2022 Gift of a Day Highlights

Truth be told, every Gift of a Day is our favorite Gift of a Day. This special program gives patients and their families the opportunity to forget about illness and day-to-day challenges as they enjoy one perfect day doing something they love.
Boxed Breathing

Reduce Your Stress in 5 Minutes or Less

Although a small dose of stress is good for you, longer periods of stress and anxiety can be detrimental to your health. Learning how to reduce your stress in small ways can have a big impact.
Pinecone Trees

Activities for Dementia Patients: Pinecone Trees

The holidays are a time of celebrating with family and friends. When a loved one has dementia, it is often the first time extended members of the family have spent a good amount of time with them. An easy craft can be a good way for family to engage with your loved one with dementia.
Grief Holidays

Grief and the Holidays

Grieving the loss of a loved one is never easy. However, grief and the holidays can be especially challenging when celebrations, traditions, and family gatherings heighten our sense of loss.