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A Hospice Prayer

hospice prayer

Chaplains play a vital role in hospice care, providing spiritual and emotional support to patients, their families, and the hospice team. They help patients and their loved ones to explore and express their spiritual and religious beliefs, values, and concerns, and offer guidance and comfort in times of crisis and transition. In honor of the National Day of Prayer, Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care Chaplain Team Coordinator Jim Robinson wrote a hospice prayer that reflects the spiritual needs and desires of patients and their loved ones.

This prayer is meant to bring comfort, hope, and peace to those facing end-of-life care, as well as their families and caregivers. The Hospice prayer is a reminder that even in the face of illness and death, there is always hope and love, and that the patient and their loved ones are not alone in their journey. It is a prayer of thanksgiving for the life of the patient, and a plea for strength, courage, and compassion for all those involved in their care.

A Hospice Prayer

Holy God,

We come before you as your children and we give you thanks for the blessings You have given us.  Help us to see Your daily blessings and rejoice with You for the gifts You bring.

In the midst of the blessings, some have felt cut off from them and it is for these that we pray:

We pray for our patients.  Give them relief from any pain or discomfort.  As their diseases have pulled them away from community, bring friends or family, who will stand beside them during this difficult time.  May our patients feel overwhelmed by the love and peace others provide for them.  Allow them to feel Your Presence and find solace in knowing You are there with them.

We pray for their families.  Give them patience for their loved ones and help them find Grace for the moments that are hard to understand.  Help the families trust in Your Spirit’s guidance and know that they, too, have the support of others around them as well as Your abiding Presence.

We pray for caregivers and nursing home staff.  They have been called to the work of being present for others.  Give them courage and strength to love those who may not be able to speak for themselves.  Help them to see each patient as You see them.

We pray for the Crossroads Family.  We give thanks for the long hours of dedication and the love we share to those placed in our care.  We pray for our staff’s lives at home and stresses and concerns that weigh on our hearts as we minister to those who are struggling.  It can be difficult to escape the burdens at home as we try to lift the burdens of others.  We pray for focus on the one patient that is in front of us and ask for wisdom as we serve them.

These prayers we lift to you and the many others that are sometimes unspoken.  You know our needs.  You know hearts.  Remind us of Your blessings.  Amen.

Crossroads provides support to meet each patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. To learn more about our services, please call 1-888-564-3405.


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